Monday, August 15, 2005

DirtBoy Issue #3 is not Fin, in finished!

Colin and I have been discussing our complete dislike for English speaking or writing people that use foreign languages at the end of a movie, book or whatever. It feels real fake or just plan pompous! I also take issue with people that use other languages to make things more that what they are. In the wine industry this is common practice. Many wineries are named crazy funky French names even though the winery owners are not of French origin or located in France. You see it in every aspect of our lives. Before you say 'well are you not the guy that named his kids Dante and Tazio.' Yes I am, but I am over half Italian and I think it is important that first names work well with the last name.

Anyway I am just writing to say that we have finished issue #3 of DirtBoy and it has a great look and story. I know that you will enjoy it.

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