Monday, February 05, 2007

Greta is Growing!

I am, I mean it this time, starting to animate Greta. I feel I have been saying that for months now. I have been spending a lot of time on building the models and painting them. It has taken longer then I was planning but looking great. I have a to build a couple of more items, which I am going to do today and then I am ready to animate. the main characters are done and have been boned and are ready. All the really hard work, for me, is done. My good friend Sean Rogers, who created the music to my award winning film "the RockThrower", has all ready started the sound track to Greta. So the wheels are moving. Maybe not as fast as I want them to, but them wheels are moving. It's a picken up steam. I can feel it. I hope that you can to. This is most definitely the best thing that I have ever produce. Here is a rough pic of Greta in her room.