Monday, February 13, 2006

The Love Fest that was WonderCon!

WonderCon was freaking great and just wanted to say thanks!

First of all - I can not tell you how great it is to have kids and grown-ups alike come up to our booth and say how much they love our comiks and movies. Nothing makes me happier! I want to thank everyone that came by, you Rock!

Nextly - I would like to thank Colin (Artist for Dirtboy) for all the hardwork this weekend. I would have had to pee in a jar at the booth or something, if he wasn't there. I doubt that I would have had one-tenth of the visitors say for sooo long if the booth smelled like urine.

Lastly - I would like to thank all the freaks that came to WonderCon. Be it the skin headed Bush hater with make-up or the Funking girl walking the isles with serious bed head and butt crack or the fifteen year old looking alcoholic with a hangover that had puked on her party dress the night before. without you, there would really be no reason to go! PS- you all need help and if there is anything I can do, please feel free to ask.

1 comment:

Moron said...

I have to say that 'The Elvis Stormtrooper' is cool, but come on!

That Cap America was the funnest thing I saw. Ben did you get a chance to see General Grievous?

that Costume was freaking sweeeeeetttt.