Monday, August 01, 2005

Dante loves the 'BOB'!

Dante Leo Elmo Dondero, co-creative genius behind Moronik Industries with his brother Tazio, has created a homage to one of his greatest inspirations 'Sponge Bob'! Long have Dante and Tazio looked at the brilliance of the 'BOB' in awe. Dante finding the muse to express his love has put crayon to paper and created for you this: The 'BOB'! He hope this will inspire you to pay similar reverence. Dante's father, AKA 'Dad', has asked those who wish to honor the 'BOB' to "Do it with pen, crayon, clay and paper. Please refrain from using monetary methods. Nickelodeon has made way to much cash off that sponge! Spend your hard earned cash on yet discovered Icons! This way you can say 'Oh, I was in to that way before anyone.'" Dante's father suggest the following sites to dump your cash into:

The Great Rhode -
The Disturbing Aubrey -
The Font King Robot Johnny -
The Way Toooo Pretty RustBoy -
The always Entertaining B. McCabe -
And Don't Forget the Master Moron -

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